1 词典释义:
from the cradle to the grave
时间: 2025-02-03 21:41:58
英 [frɒm ðə ˈkreɪdl tu ðə ɡreɪv]
美 [frʌm ðə ˈkreɪdl tu ðə ɡreɪv]


  • Commitment will go with us from the cradle to the grave.


  • Social security was made available from the cradle to the grave in Britain.


  • He added, "We have universal health protection, from the cradle to the grave."


  • On the contrary, learning should be a never ending process, from the cradle to the grave.

    相反, ! 从生到死,学习应该是一种无终止的历程。

  • On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave.


  • The atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave.


  • In the brave, new corporate world, citizens were monitored, scrutinized and controlled from the cradle to the grave.


  • Life is a lasting but passing period, a process from the cradle to the grave, a passage blending beauty and ugliness, a fusion of happiness and hardship.


  • The drama of love that I saw played out at the bar each night as a child is all about the human hunger for safe emotional connection, a survival imperative we experience from the cradle to the grave.


  • The koseki is your ID, from cradle to grave, based on the family unit.


  • From (the) cradle to (the) grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.


  • The damaging effects of smoking on women are extensive, well-documented, and can be observed from the cradle to the premature grave.


  • Even the freedom to choose an employer, when it was introduced, did not encourage everyone to do so in a country accustomed to an "iron rice bowl" - cradle-to-grave security - from the state.

    即使自由择业制度引进的时候,也并不是鼓励每个人都去这么做。这个国家已经适应了铁饭碗- - -国家给予的从摇篮到坟墓的保障。

  • To most people, great majority time of the life spends in the work, the success or failure of the occupation career has the decisive influence to the person from cradle to the grave.


  • The wolf is injuring other people from cradle to the grave and ignore it to injure of reason how proper;
