1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-06 14:53:35


  • RMS only accesses data to and from local device.


  • Listing 5 shows how to write to RMS using a stream.


  • If there are any missing messages, the RMS will resend those.


  • The RMS will pick this up before it gets to the client application.


  • The interpretation of data in PIM is more flexible compared to RMS.

    与 RMS 相比,PIM 中的数据解释更加灵活。

  • It is a fictionalized account of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.


  • In a record-oriented approach, J2ME RMS comprises multiple record stores.

    在面向记录的方法中,J2ME RMS由多个记录存储构成。

  • Stallman, who prefers to be called rms, got his start hacking at MIT.

    斯托曼喜欢他被称做 rms,他的黑客生涯始于麻省理工学院。

  • The RMS continues to add incrementing Sequence headers into application messages.


  • There are two different procedures, depending on whether you have an RMS or not.


  • It also draws a comparison with RMS, another functionality that deals with device data.


  • Once this snapshot is done, we cannot change any information on past dates in the RMS.


  • The RMS can open up its own HTTP port (or other endpoint) to receive acknowledgements on.


  • Nargeolet of RMS Titanic Inc., which has rights to explore the wreck, first located in 1985.


  • The patient portal, illustrated in Figure 5, provides a sample reference mash-up on the RMS platform.


  • In this section, we'll demonstrate the functioning of J2ME RMS by building a phone appointment diary.

    在这部分,我们将通过构建一个电话约会簿来说明J 2 ME RMS的功能。

  • We'll start with a quick overview of RMS, but most of the article (like the tutorial series) will be hands-on.


  • RMS: Of the various programs I’ve written, the most challenging was GCC, but the one I love most is Emacs.

    在所有经我之手的项目中, 最富挑战性的当数GCC, 但我最喜欢的还是Emacs.

  • Using the multimeter, measure and record the rms values of the input as well as the output (volts) in table E2-2.


  • A record in RMS is a byte array and other J2ME applications will need to have information on how to interpret.


  • A service such as the Rights Management Services (RMS) Client can only function in conjunction with your email address.


  • The island's only regular visitor these days is the ageing Royal Mail Ship, RMS St Helena, which docks once a month.


  • RMS: The basic idea of the GNU General Public License is to assure that all users of the code have the four freedoms.


  • Records – Unlike the Database systems where each record has one or more fields, a Record in RMS is an individual data field.

    Records —— 与每条记录拥有一个或多个字段的数据库系统不同,RMS 中的一条 Record 是一个单独的数据字段。

  • In addition to allowing us to search the RMS for records, this MIDlet beefs up the user interface we've worked with so far.


  • This section dives a little deeper into the demonstration and focuses on the integration point between the RMS and MyCareTeam.

    这个小节进一步探索该演示例子并关注RMS和My CareTeam之间的集成点。

  • RMS: Digital Restrictions Management means software or hardware designed to restrict us and control our use of published works.


  • Put simply, the MIDP Record Management System (RMS) provides a means to store application data that persists across invocations of a MIDlet.

    简单地说,MIDP 记录管理系统(RMS)提供了一种跨多个 MIDlet 调用持久性地存储应用程序数据的手段。

  • The RMS Titanic was the world's biggest passenger liner when it left Southampton, England, for New York on its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912.


  • Transactional RMs achieve durability with acceptable performance by summarizing the results of multiple transactions in a single transaction log.


  • rms error
