Women and food cycle technologies;
Their life cycle helps man provide himself with a basic food—fish.
Energy is an essential resource across the entire food production cycle, with estimates showing an average of 7-10 calories of input being required in the production of one calorie of food.
These tiny things form the base of the food chain and play an important role in the global carbon cycle.
Two factors appear to be generating the cycle: food plants and predators.
If any of them really worked as promised, the cycle would have ended years ago and the health food stores would be a lot smaller.
Sheila Sisulu from the World Food Program says the project aims to break a cycle that keeps people hungry.
From our research it is clear to see how this situation may have created a cycle of sweet food and drink consumption.
Not only do life cycle analyses offer genuine opportunities for environmentally efficient food production, but they also address several problems inherent in the eat-local philosophy.
When eating in accordance to our body's natural digestive cycle, we are able to more efficiently absorb and process nutrients, and fully eliminate food debris and toxins.
The ocean's planktons form the bottom of both the food chain and the bulk of the carbon-oxygen cycle for our planet.
They include disruption to the Marine food web and effects on the world's carbon cycle.
The calories your body burns in fueling the digestive cycle are minuscule compared with the calories in the food itself.
Child obesity and hormone-laden chemicals that have got into the food or water cycle have been blamed for this.
The most important safety valve as far as food supply is concerned is the short production cycle.
Avoid using overindulging in food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, or exercise to cover up your feelings as this can lead to a very destructive vicious cycle.
Academic “life-cycle analyses” go into painstaking detail, factoring in the emissions associated with building factories in which food is produced, for example.
We do think that exercise and food, caffeine, may be able to modulate in some way, so has some influence on circadian timing, but not as strongly as the light-dark cycle.
Competition among the species is a continuing cycle in the animal food chain.
Researchers find trouble among phytoplankton, the base of the food chain, which has implications for the Marine food web and the world's carbon cycle.
The length of the cigarette beetle life cycle is highly dependent on temperature and the food source but usually takes 40 to 90 days.
The reproductive cycle of marine bivalves is closely related to cycles of nutrient storage and use and to environmental factors such as water temperature and food availability.
Resource depletion helps stall the profit cycle and prevent growth in the personal, provincial and national economies, as well as in food production (Figure 2).