Alternatively, you can always open your own private investigator business.
Does he play a Washington police officer, a federal agent, a private investigator?
Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire, who was on the paper's payroll, was also sent to prison.
In fact, I sometimes think that my secret profession is that I'm a private investigator, a detective.
Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator who was on the News of the World payroll and was used by Goodman, was also jailed.
The High Court in London has heard new allegations against a private investigator who worked for the tabloid newspaper News of the World.
The Met investigated and, at the start of 2007, Clive Goodman, the newspaper's royal editor, and Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator, were jailed.
Bob Olson is a former private investigator and skeptic who began using his investigation skills to research psychics, mediums and the afterlife in 1999.
Generally speaking, a private investigator is one who is entrusted by his employer to acquire secret information or evidences by means of overt or covert detective.
Paul Farrelly MP asked Coulson about Operation Motormouth, an investigation carried out by the information commissioner into the activities of private investigator Steve Whittamore.
保罗·法雷利议员询问考尔森关于Operation Motormouth的情况,信息委员会就私家侦探斯蒂芬·维特·莫尔的行为所开展调查。
But just then my cell phone rang. It was a private-investigator friend from Mexico City calling about a "research" job in the jungle.