Discussing the electric regulation automatic system and MIS system two interface connection ways and the data treatment ant its advantage and shortcoming of each interface.
By use of the policy routing technique and combined with the network address translation technique the solution of the multi-interface connection in the campus network is presented.
Upon return to the docking station, the Ethernet connection would be detected and communication resumed over this interface.
Upon establishment, the connection is bound to each interface.
The Mediator then keeps the original connection open and passes the request synchronously to the System Interface of the target System.
You create a mapping by clicking next to an operation on the left and dragging the end of the connection to the corresponding interface on the right.
The target System Interface passes the response synchronously back to the source System Interface using the connection it was keeping open.
Because connection is the entry point to interaction with a JMS server, each implementation of a connection interface must know how to connect to an instance of its own JMS server.
The Mediator passes the response synchronously back to the source System Interface using the connection it was keeping open.
The CLP includes both a front-end process (representing the user interface) and a back-end process to maintain a database connection.
This may mean the destination system interface is offline or there a network problem prevents connection.
Each interface has several methods that will be used by the other end of the connection.
You can also use this function from a client setting to restrict the interface that should be used for an outgoing connection.
Description: This is a J2C interface for transaction demarcation on a corresponding connection.
The synchronous request connection between the Mediator and the destination System Interface is then closed.
The synchronous request connection between the originating source System Interface and the target System Interface is then closed.
The synchronous request connection between the System Interface and the Mediator is then closed.
Click the connection that is created between the two interfaces to display the parameters of each interface.
The synchronous request connection between the originating System Interface and the Mediator is then closed.
The System Interface then keeps the connection to the Mediator open and passes the request on synchronously to the destination System and waits for the response on the same connection.
Since the connection is made using a standard interface (JDBC in this case), applications do not need to worry about database implementation.
A resource adapter's managed connections implement the first interface — the interface for dissociation — to indicate to the connection manager that the adapter supports this optimization.
DVI the digital successor to VGA, digital Visual Interface is a video connection you'll most likely see dealing with computers or computer monitors, at least until they're all replaced by HDMI.
DVI VGA的数字继承者,数字可视化界面最常在电脑和电脑显示器之间的视频连接上看到,至少在它被HD MI代替之前。
For example, we do not connection pool and do not use a common command interface.
The programming interface allows for the ID presented in a client connection request to be set from within the application.
Each device interface needs to manage the connection to the device, interface through the custom device protocol, and present a normalized, outward-facing API.
A PDS connection-factory directive to provide the collector the interface to use to connect to the PDS and the configuration to use when connecting.
PDS 连接工厂指令,为收集器提供用于连接到 PDS 的接口,以及在连接时使用的配置。
This article will demonstrate how to use the JSSE interface to tailor the properties of an SSL connection.
本文将演示如何使用 JSSE 接口定制 SSL 连接的属性。
If found, an object is returned that implements the Connection interface, as shown in Figure 1.
The billing service establishes the connection to the web server through a PHP interface and gets the record document from the Usage record (UR) Repository.