1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-10-15 19:56:07
英 [hæŋˌʌp]
美 [hæŋˌʌp]

n. 令人烦恼的难题; 心理的或情绪的问题

  • Returns -1 on hangup; otherwise, does not return.

    如果挂起则返回- 1,否则没有返回值。

  • Hollywood hangup means that you hang up the phone without indication.


  • Listing 2 shows one way of sending the hangup signal to all of the Web server processes currently running.


  • The nohup command is used to start a command that will ignore hangup signals and will append stdout and stderr to a file.


  • The xargs command then takes each process ID (since you used -l 1 to grab one line at a time), and USES sudo kill -hup to send each one a hangup signal.

    然后,xargs命令接受每个进程ID(因为使用了- l 1以便一次提取一行内容),并使用sudo kill - HUP向相应的进程发送一个挂起信号。