He was happy to make a detour for her convenience.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》We had to make a detour around the flooded fields.
《牛津词典》It's well worth making a detour to see the village.
《牛津词典》In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》He did not take the direct route to his home, but made a detour around the outskirts of the city.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Displacement is a kind of delay or detour of understanding, and condensation, on the other hand, is a kind of distillation of understanding.
Today, we are taking a little detour from the grand styles of public architecture we've been studying to look at residential architectures in the United States.
A "long detour" through a secondary product.
To say a visit it is worth a detour is an understatement.
On the way you decide to take a detour to say hi to a friend.
Adversity is not a dead-end but a detour to a better outcome.
The book takes a slight detour and discusses design principles in more detail.
But before I go further, let me make a quick detour into the theory of parsing.
A flight from east Africa to west Africa typically used to require a tedious detour via Paris or London.
On the same site, Riley suggested Air Force One "had to make a detour because of a security threat".
When it saw the rock being tossed about pitifully, it said, "Only a weak person will make a detour." A person.
While it making the detour, we will be able to prevent it from happing by adopting certain managing measures.
No trip through Russia would be complete without a quick detour to one of the Golden Ring towns, such as Yaroslavl.
WSDOT and an emergency contractor worked 14 hours a day, seven days a week to construct a new river channel and detour.
When they take a detour, we can, after all, take a number of management measures to prevent such ACTS as much as possible.
Therefore, the normal form action is correct for Step 4. However, Order Review does offer a detour to enter a discount code.
因此,通常的表单动作对步骤 4 而言是正确的。 不过,Order Review 的确提供了输入折扣编号的另一个弯路。
After all we can take some management measures when they make a detour to prevent the emergence of this behavior as best as we can.
Elance's CEO Fabio Rosati described this product arc as a "long detour" on the road to deployment of the founders' original vision.
Elance的CEO Fabio Rosati把这个产品转型弧线描绘为“远远的绕道而行”,最终完成了对这家公司创立者原始设想的部署。
Early humans may have taken a detour into Eurasia before embarking on their epic journey out of Africa, according to new fossil evidence.
I'll introduce two new aspects of the ITracer interface that support these metrics, so I'll take a brief detour here to discuss them.
As I've mentioned before, I'll be taking the occasional detour in this column to review recent changes in the technologies I've covered.
After all, we are able to take some management measures to keep the abnormal capital inflows from taking a detour when it actually happens.
“When people take a career detour, they sometimes earn less money, lose touch with their colleagues, and their skills atrophy, ” Marx says.
make a detour
完全, 加强
- devotev. 将(时间;精力)用于(人;活动;事业)上;尽心竭力于…;降祸于;诅咒
- deterrentn. 威慑力量;吓阻力量;制止力量;威慑物;核威慑
- declarev. 断言;宣称;申报;宣布结束赛局;叫(牌)定约;求爱;宣布参选;宣告;宣布;宣告(或宣布)…为
- dependv. 视…而定;决定于;信赖;依靠;垂下;低垂;依赖;从属
- desperateadj. 绝望的;无望的;危急的;危险的;孤注一掷的;极少成功希望的;极端恶劣的;严重的;极差的;极坏的
- defusev. 拆除…雷管;缓解
- dejectv. 使沮丧;使灰心;使情绪低落
- decidev. 决定;拿定主意;决心;裁决;判决;选定;对…作出决定;解决
- decayv. 腐坏;腐败;衰减;衰退;衰微;使腐坏;使腐烂;坍塌失修;坏损;衰变
- debaten. 正式讨论;争论;辩论;讨论;论战
- deridev. 对…表示轻蔑;嘲笑
- detergentn. 洗涤剂;清洁剂;去垢剂;清洁添加剂
- detentionn. 拘留;课后留校
- defectn. 缺点;缺陷;缺乏
- detractv. 贬损;贬低;抹杀;转移;分散;使分心;否认(或淡化)(某种品质或成就)以贬低
- denotev. 表示;指示;作为…名称
- deceptionn. 欺诈;行骗;骗局;圈套
- desolateadj. 无人烟的;荒凉的;凄凉的;孤独的;不幸的;痛苦的
- interdependencen. 互相依赖
- declinev. 变小;变少;减少;降低;谢绝;婉言拒绝;下沉;使(名词;代词;形容词)变化词形
- devolvev. 移交;下放;分裂;转移;被继承;衰落
- depletev. 减少;缩减;使精疲力竭
- departv. 启程;离开;背离;离
- depreciatev. 贬值;跌价;贬低;轻视;降低…的价值
- defilev. 玷污;损伤;污损;弄脏;以单列纵队行进;侮辱;亵渎
- deviousadj. 不光明正大的;狡诈的;阴险的;迂回曲折的
- deformv. 使变形;变形;变畸形
- deciduousadj. 每年落叶的;阔叶的;脱落的
- decentralizev. 分;放;使(大型组织的)部门下放
- deliciousadj. 美味的;令人愉快的
- demandn. 强制性要求;要求;紧迫的要求;需求
- deludev. 欺骗;迷惑
- decreasev. 减少;减小;减弱;降低;使减少;使减小;使减弱;使降低
- debunkv. 拆穿;揭穿;消减…名过其实的声誉
- debasev. 贬低;降低;降低(人)的道德品质;降低(铸币)的成色
- deflatev. 给…放气;使泄气;紧缩;泄气;瘪掉;消气;减缓
- deductionn. 减除;扣除;演绎;推理;扣除额;推演结论
- deflectv. 使偏离;使偏斜;使转向;转向;改向;使(人)改变目的;使(物)转向;使改向
- depositn. 存款;保证金;定金;沉积物;沉淀;放置;押金;竞选押金
- detainv. 拘留;扣押;吸引…注意力以羁绊;使(病人;伤员)留院治疗
- demonstratev. 证明;证实;参加游行;演示;显示;表露;表现
- detailn. 细节;军人小分队;细枝末节;细部的处理;个人资料;次要部分;装饰细部;局部;细部的风格;细部
- despairn. 绝望;无望
- deceivev. 欺骗;对…行骗;欺骗自己;自欺;使得给出错误印象;误导;对(固定性伴侣)不忠
- deceptiveadj. 骗人的;迷惑人的;误导的
- dethronev. 废黜;使(从权威或优势地位)下台
- decomposev. 腐败;腐烂;使变质;使腐烂;分解;使…分解
- deliverv. 投递;送交;递送;讲;发表;给…接生;生产;释放;分娩;交割
- descriptionn. 描述;描写;形容;类别
- detectv. 发现;识别;查明;调查;察觉
- depressv. 使沮丧;使消沉;压低;拉下;使…萧条;使不景气;抑制;压抑
- despicableadj. 可憎的;可鄙的
- despisev. 鄙视;厌恶
- demoralizev. 使丧失士气;使气馁;使堕落;使腐化
- detoxifyv. 为…去毒;为…解毒;戒毒;使(酗酒者)戒掉酒瘾;使(吸毒者)戒掉毒瘾;戒酒;变得无毒
- defendv. 保卫;保护;为…辩护;为(被告)辩护;竞赛中保住;选举中保住;防守
- deducev. 推论;演绎出;对…追本溯源;追溯…的来历
- designn. (建筑、服装等的)设计方案;设计图;设计;目的;安排;意图;构思;制订;图案
- debarkv. 下船;下飞机;剥;卸;使…下船
- definev. 下定义;确切说明;标出界线;表明;描绘;树立;为(单词;词组)释义;使…的轮廓清晰;勾勒出…的轮廓
- departmentn. 部;处;司;系;专责;省;专长;特定方面
- destructionn. 摧毁;彻底毁坏;杀伤;没落;被杀伤;终结;毁灭的根源;堕落的原因
- degradev. 侮辱;轻视;降解;降低…的品质;损害;把…降级;使(能量)衰变;使…陵削
- descendv. 下降;落下;突袭;是…的后裔;堕落到;突然造访;下;下斜;下倾;依次递降
- deservev. 应得;应受
- determinev. 造成;在…中起决定性作用;探知;确定;终止;求出;下定决心;决意;解出;决定出
- devaluev. 贬低;降低…的价值;降低…的重要性;使(货币)贬值
- decadentadj. 颓废的;堕落的;放纵的
- deviatev. 背离;偏离既定路线;偏常;背离正常(或公认)标准
- deportv. 将…驱逐出境;使举止得体;使风度带上某种特点;将(本国人)流放至他国
- deifyv. 把…神化
- decapitatev. 将…斩首;砍掉…的端头;使群龙无首
- denouncev. 谴责;公开指责;告发
- deforestv. 伐光…森林;砍掉…的树木
- defamev. 破坏…的名誉;诽谤;诬蔑
- dehydratev. 使…脱水;脱水;身体失水
- descriptiveadj. 描述的;客观描述的;描写性的
- deposev. 将…免职;罢免;宣誓作
- derailv. 使(火车;有轨电车)出轨;阻碍;阻挠;(火车;使脱离原进程
- describev. 描述;形容;标示;画;画出(想像的几何图形的)轮廓
- desertv. 遗弃;背弃;离弃;舍弃;背离;擅离职守
- devourv. 狼吞虎咽地吃;吞噬;吞没;摧毁;贪婪地快速读;心中充满
- derisionn. 嘲笑