1 词典释义:
proper law
时间: 2025-02-01 05:54:33


  • The proper law is that with which the event has its closest and most real connection.


  • Proper law procedure is asked to protect public interest rather than take sides with it.


  • The theory of proper law is the great contribution to the private international law of British scholar.


  • I got to spend my second term at Yale as a proper law student with the heaviest class load of my stay there.


  • Article 5. The parties to a contract may choose the proper law applicable to the settlement of contract disputes.


  • Under that article, the Arbitrators will apply the law designated as the proper law by the rule of conflicts which they deem appropriate.


  • From all above all, this paper try to make up some helpful propositions to enterprise so that they can take proper law measures to protect their trade secret.


  • Matters associated with the existence and fact of the agreement, such as misrepresentation, mistake, fraud and duress, will be governed by the putative proper law.


  • HI Bill of Lading:All the terms, conditions, liberties, and exceptions of the said Contract of Affreightment of Charter Party are herewith incorporated, including proper law and arbitration clauses.


  • Some of them involve hard questions of interpretation of law; others include hard questions of what is the proper, or most plausible, understanding of the law itself.


  • Also, farmers find it hard to raise loans or enter contracts because there is no registry of assets, or proper system of commercial law, which would give confidence to lenders and buyers.


  • Under Roman law in the first centuries of the Common Era, there were proper opportunities for divorce and the dissolution of a marital union for both parties.


  • They also complain that the law lacks proper funding.


  • If Bastiat were alive today, he would be disappointed with our failure to keep the law within its proper domain.


  • There is no country in the world where the law is kept more within its proper domain: the protection of every person's liberty and property.

    在对每个人的自由权和财产的保护上, 世界上没有一个国家的法律是被保持在恰当的范围内。

  • A society based on a proper conception of law would be orderly and prosperous.


  • The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose!


  • At the same time, using the law, it was put forward that the economic optimizations overall principle of safety work was to realize the proper level of safety cost.


  • It is evident, then, that the proper purpose of law is to use the power of its collective force to stop this fatal tendency to plunder instead of to work.


  • To some extent, it dissolves the actual problems, but we do not think it is very proper in theory of law.


  • If the law were confined to its proper functions, everyone's interest in the law would be the same.


  • In realism, morality and law support each other, but this support must hold proper limit.


  • The principle of proportionality of administrative law means the administrative agency should select the proper way that does the least damage to people .
