1 词典释义:
fall to doing
时间: 2024-09-30 19:54:52


  • In Governor Sanford's case, neither he nor is wife is doing that - instead she tried to forgive him for his infidelity while he tried to fall in love with her.


  • He argues that everything will fall into place if we practice "not-doing", withholding our own assertiveness, being constantly without desire so as to observe the subtlety of nature.


  • After spending three years doing roustabout work, Mr. Walters plans to go back to college in the fall to complete a degree in geology.


  • Give yourself grace when you make mistakes, fall into temptation, or keep doing things you don't want to do.


  • They could do this directly, or the ECB could provide liquidity to Banks or buy up government bonds before they fall too far. It has indicated it may start doing the latter again.


  • Focus on doing that instead of being perfect, and everything else on your to-do list should fall into place.


  • Due to the extreme rise and fall in temperature, you only get an hour at night and in the early morning to get pictures of the cats actually doing something.


  • What were you doing when it started to fall apart?


  • It's kinda easy to just fall into a habit of doing stuff or consuming things without really having much of a reason for doing so.


  • But, in fact, what they are doing is very dangerous to their safety because, as the picture tells us, coconuts on the coconut tree may fall down anytime and hurt them.


  • Humans are however not robots and so that often leads to more stress and to little of the recharging that could have helped you to keep doing quality work during the fall and winter being done.


  • Doing work and watching TV in your bedroom can lead to a non-sleep association with your bedroom and you may find it difficult to fall asleep.


  • I warned you not to fall into the trap of doing everything for him.


  • At this time, my heart was doing the movement familiar to you and me the free fall.


  • She's too clever to fall into the trap of doing any hard work.


  • When you choose to 'fall by the wayside'... you are not doing wrong... you are simply... resting... recharging... before you once again get back on track.


  • We might be fine doing 30 sit-ups a day for decades, but we might not and it's hard to know which group we fall into.

    相反,一些人每天都做30个仰卧起坐,坚持了几十年,却没有任何异样。 我们可能不知道也很难知道我们是属于哪一类人。

  • Many foreign companies always experience difficulties in adapting to the Chinese way of doing business and hence many companies fall in a trap and cannot realize successful business in China.


  • A man doing a fall from a building and who is supposed to be unconscious or dead has to fall like a sack of potatoes.


  • We also fall into the "work trap, " where we feign "busy" as a way to stay in our comfort zones and avoid doing new things.


  • True entrepreneurs do not give up, or stop by a fall, entrepreneurs are born, not made and they are people who are born with their skill of being able to do what they are interested in doing.


  • If only the second rule applies, the sick will rush to buyinsurance but the healthy will wait until they fall ill before doing so.


  • So, don't be afraid to make mistakes. To stumble and fall. Coz, most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most.


  • But be careful not to fall into the trap of pressuring your child into doing things 2 solely to get a high grade.
