1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-12 17:21:32
英 [ˌtiː aɪ ˈəu]
美 [ˌtiː aɪ ˈoʊ]

abbr. 氧化钛;脱掉它 (take it off的缩写)

  • Muddle 4 fresh raspberries, 1 1/4 oz chilled TIO PEPE XERES and 3/4 oz Monin Raspberry Syrup.


  • The TIO integration is optional, but powerful if you are a TIO customer.

    TIO 集成是一个可选项,但如果您是一位 TIO 客户,那么它的功能是非常强大的。

  • The conjugated grains in PET chips are formed of TiO 2 congeries particles.


  • The optical band gap between nano-TiO 2 energy band and conduction band is3.


  • The higher Si content in the alloy favours good recovery of Ti from TiO-2 slag.


  • We just went outside and saw all the smoke and people screaming and running out of TIO.


  • The TiO 2 content should be not more than 0.08% to ensure the final properties and brightness.

    从纤维的最终性能指标、光泽综合考虑,切片中二氧化钛的质量分数不宜超过0 . 0 8%。

  • Nano-TiC powders were synthesized by microwave heating using nano-sized materials TiO 2 and black C.


  • Methacrylate (MMA) was engrafted on the surface of nanosized TiO 2 to improve its dispersity and stability.


  • The technology of coating TiO 2 film on the surface of ultra fine calcined coal kaolin particle was studied.


  • The technology of coating TiO 2 film on the surface of kaolin particles was studied by liquid deposition method.


  • Question: Is it a full integration between WebSphere XD and tio, or do we need human intervention to add new resources?

    问:在WebSphere XD和TIO之间是否有完全集成,或者说,为了添加新的资源,是否需要人员介入?

  • At proper temperature, vaporizing solvent is a better route of sol gel for the preparation of nanosized tio 2 powder.


  • The surface of TiO 2 pigment particles are modified to improve the dispersion stability of the TiO 2 pigment in paint.


  • As a high active photocatalyst, tio 2 has attracted more and more researchers' attention, and many achievements have been got.


  • The structures of the carbon-doped TiO 2 were investigated by TEM, N 2 adsorption-desorption isotherm measurements, XRD and XPS.

    掺碳的二氧化钛的结构由透射电子显微镜(TEM )、氮气吸附-解吸等温线、XPS等表征。

  • The project is a shrine to Tio, and will serve as a place the miners can leave gifts for the devil so he does not harm the men working in the mountain.


  • The reaction mechanism of photocatalytic oxidation of trichloroethylene (TCE) in gas-phase on tio 2 film was investigated by FT-IR and GC-MS techniques.


  • The structures, operation principle of an AW type spin-cup automatic burning device and its application in rotary kiln of TiO 2 production have been described.


  • The photo-activities of different type of TiO 2 for cosmetics use had been measured by colorimetric method on the base of the mechanism of their photo-reaction.


  • Next in a mixing tin muddle 4 fresh raspberries, 1 1/4oz chilled TIO PEPE XERES and 3/4oz Monin Raspberry Syrup. Add ice. Shake and strain into a urban bar glass.

    然后,在一个混合波士顿摇壶中混合4个新鲜树莓,1 1/4盎司冰鲜干雪利酒和3/4盎司小红莓糖浆,加入冰,摇晃后倒入一个城市酒吧杯中。

  • never fails to share interesting projects with us, whether it be their zoo/waterfallor their latest – a chapel for Tio, an evil devil that owns a mountainin Bolivia.


  • Without tio, WebSphere Extended Deployment will gracefully degrade the performance of the applications in accordance with the defined importance levels for the applications.

    在没有TIO的情况下,WebSphere Extended Deployment将根据为应用程序定义的重要性级别,适度降低应用程序的性能。

  • This paper studied the mechanical properties, expansion and contraction and road performance of backfill material made by waste gypsum from TiO 2 production and fly ash.


  • A lot of dangerous chemicals are used and released in manufacturing of TiO 2, there are potential unsafe elements. This article evaluates and analyses the dangerous chemicals.


  • The man reportedly pushed the trolley, which contained three large cans of petrol and a large number of firecrackers, inside the door of the TIO where there were customers and staff.


  • This article presents the feasibility on application of TiO 2 photocatalysis in drinking water disinfection involving the removal of organic contaminants, inactivation of bacteria and virus.


  • Anatase TiO 2 particles were prepared on viscose-based activated carbon fiber (ACF) felts surface via sol-gel method with tetra-n-butyl titanate as precursor and characterized by XRD and SEM.

    采用钛酸四正丁酯为原料,用溶胶-凝胶法在粘胶基活性炭纤维(A CF)毡表面制备了锐钛矿型的二氧化钛粒子,并用XRD, SEM进行了表征。

  • The results show that the spatial distributions of SSTA are characterized by monopole with the same anomalous signs in basin-scale and by dipole with the reverse signs in the western and eastern tio.
