Methods The survey was carried out by means of UPI and SCL-90.
方法使用U PI和SC L-90量表对一年级大学生进行心理健康状况调查。
Method: conduct a survey among 2743 freshmen based on the UPI.
Participate in the training and promotion of UPI rules, including the training for UPI members;
There are two types of Primary Indexes - unique Primary Index (UPI) and Non-unique Primary Index (NUPI).
Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ) and University Personality Inventory (UPI) were commonly used at abroad.
Organize case training and workshop on anti-fraud topic and provide judicial consulting services to UPI members.
Methods 1701 new college students were tested with UPI (University Personality Inventory) and Social Support Scale.
Methods Using the method of UPI and SCL-90, the all regular Military Medical University undergraduates at school were tested.
The reliability and rapidity of the revised UPI are high. This method can be effectively used for screening mental problems of high school students.
Methods: University personality inventory(UPI) was used to investigate psychological status of the freshmen enrolled in China Medical University in 2004.
This UPI test result on 05 freshmen of our university indicates that, their psychological healthy condition is quite good, but also has certain problems.
Analyzing the test results by the UPI mental health questionnaire, the SCL-90 list of symptoms to test, and the 16pf cartel of 16 Personality Factor test.
PERTH, Australia, Dec. 20 (UPI) — Breastfeeding for six months or longer is linked to better grades at age 10, but only in boys, Australian researchers say.
When investigating into the students of 2004 with UPI, we can find that the student Numbers of the first-class is 15.9%; the second is 30%, and the third 54%.
Methods Using the method of UPI, SCL-90 and STAI, the Military Medical University undergraduates in 02,03,04 grades were tested and the results were compared.
方法通过U PI,SC L-90和STAI的测查,比较某军医大学02级、03级、04级学员的心理健康状况;对04级学员进行心理健康教育措施干预后的追踪调查。
WASHINGTON, July 27 (UPI) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is permitting the restricted use of Zelnorm to treat irritable bowel in women younger than 55.
华盛顿,7月 27日 –美国食品与药品管理局批准Zelnorm可以限制使用于治疗55岁年龄以下的女性肠易激综合征
Methods Surveys were made according to the university personality inventory (UPI) with a class as a unit after their first two-week formal lectures in the college.
方法采用大学生人格问卷(UPI) ,以班级为单位,在新生正式上课两周以后进行测试。
Humans are descended from ancestors possessing a sixth sense to detect electrical fields in water to find prey and communicate, U. S. scientists say, UPI reported.
Questionnaires of EPQ and UPI were used to explore the personality traits and mental health of 4000 students during the SARS period and one-year intervention after SARS.
BOSTON, June 11 (UPI) — an Atlantic States Marine Fisheries report recommends a five-year ban on lobster fishing between Cape Cod and Virginia to allow depleted stocks to recover.
BOULDER, Colo., June 30 (UPI) — climate systems in the arctic may be more affected by global warming than previously thought and may be nearing a climate-change tipping point, a study says.
博尔德,科罗拉多,6月30日(合众国际社)- - -一项研究报告,北极气候系统受全球变暖影响可能比以前所认为的更大,也许正接近气候变化的临界点。
SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Jan. 14 (UPI) — Overfishing of reefs leads to explosions in populations of sea urchins, which destroy coral algae that build tropical reef systems, U.S. researchers say.
AIM: to investigate the associate of the mental health level in freshmen of 3 types assessed by university personality Inventory (UPI) with their parental rearing style and personality character.