She also acted as moderator or leader at a UNICEF event last December.
Moderator: Thank you very much.
They answered questions from a moderator and didn't address each other.
Even the show's moderator didn't have anything to say for a few moments.
The speed and reactions are controlled by control rods and a moderator.
"You've got nowhere to go but down from here," the forum's moderator said dryly.
Comments turn a major blog into a forum, where the blogger is the moderator.
"The candidates need no introduction," said the debate moderator Howard K. Smith.
I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight's reception.
"Russia's tigers have been a stand-out success story," said Judy Mills, the ITC's moderator.
So if a game is rained out, the moderator can send a cancellation message to the entire group.
I have created a public group that requires new members to be accepted by an admin or moderator.
By clicking Add or Remove, the moderator can quickly swap names back and forth between these two lists.
Only the moderator of a loop can send alerts and thankfully the members of the group cannot reply to all.
The moderator should prefer those with ideas that tag onto previous ideas, then those with new ideas.
In this technique, the moderator goes in order from one member of the group to the next in turn or sequence.
Public groups can be open for anyone to join or you can require users to be accepted by an admin or moderator.
The moderator can also see to it that consumer input is seen and responded to by the right people within the company.
Graphite is a great moderator, slowing down the neutrons and keeping their reaction in the proper temperature range.
The new Meeting Room client has been completely redesigned to provide a much richer moderator and participant experience.
新Meeting Room客户机完全经过重新设计,提供了更加丰富的主持人和参与者体验。
If you enable moderation for a section, the content must be approved by a moderator before it is displayed on the site.
It is a service that allows users to join groups and receive regular information updates from the moderator of that group.
Here, the moderator can change the default permissions for all users in the meeting or give permissions to specific individuals.
The home page contains a members portlet that identifies members of the team (as defined by the team Space creator or moderator).
主页包含Members portlet,其标识团队的成员(由Team Space创建者或管理员定义)。
This means that all users added to the Moderator role of the application will automatically become Managers of the Lists in that application.
With the new UI, the moderator sees two lists of names: one list of people who can view the meeting and a second list of people who can present.
使用新的 UI,主持人会看到两个姓名列表:一个是可以查看会议的人员列表,另一个是可以发言的人员列表。