1 词典释义:
older generation
时间: 2024-11-30 10:28:59
英 [ˈəʊldər ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn]
美 [oʊldər ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn]

n. 老一辈

  • The greatest gap, however, is between the Net-generation, familiar with personal computers and the Internet, and the older generation, accustomed to an industrial society.


  • The older generation tend to put up resistance to new things created by the younger generation.


  • Next is the older generation.


  • It's those of us in the older generation who have to make adjustments.


  • A. the older generation, the first generation of wealth, is all married.


  • The older generation was tired of fighting, and young people couldn't be bothered.


  • They may see it as a rejection of the oppressive attitudes of the older generation.


  • "The older generation, it's not their culture," he said. "There is a resistance to it."


  • It's hard to gauge the level of control this older generation has over the lives of the young.


  • This may all be a moral panic, a severe case of the older generation wagging its finger at the young.


  • Hayley McCrea: If the younger generation will have an easier time multitasking than the older generation?


  • Under the influence of the older generation, young Chinese now also share the same feeling towards Albania.


  • As the Shabab gains ground, an older generation of Somalis who once wanted to serve their country is drifting away.


  • When Eden fills up, it causes a minor collection, in which some surviving objects are moved to an older generation.


  • I think that, as a subject, there is this something that only an older generation has and the young people do not possess.


  • And more specifically, if the brain is going to be wired differently for the younger generation than the older generation?


  • Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners.


  • In "Our Children Will Hate Us", two French authors deplored the debt that the older generation has piled up for its offspring.


  • The radio, the telephone, facebook-each of these inventions changed the world. Each of them scared the heck out of an older generation.


  • According to the research, those aged between 18 and 34 are three times more likely to have a cold or flu than the older generation.


  • The younger generation will soon become the older generation, and now's a good time to cultivate some loyalty and awareness of a community.


  • The older generation is also more likely to take a healthy amount of exercise, with 12 per cent spending at least 30 minutes doing so each day.


  • In India, a new couple usually resides with the family of the groom and it is the older generation that represents Ms. Jadhav's biggest challenge.


  • Zahir Shah emotionally recalled his contacts with the older generation of Chinese leaders and stressed several times that China is a great friend of Afghanistan.


  • "Everyone has been focusing on the cutting edge and trendy things and the older generation have been left behind, " said Wayne Cooper, simplicITy project manager.

    “简易”电脑的项目经理韦恩·库珀(Wayne Cooper)说:“人人都在关注最先进的时髦事物,老年人常常被忽略了。”