But, not all the messages and changes are intended for the user; some are part of the page's operation, and it would be inappropriate to alert users to them.
The action will display a simple alert message when the user clicks the button.
Although powerful, the need to involve an it user and a deployment cycle for any changes to the alert definitions has restricted the scenarios in which this can be used.
The screenshot shown above in Figure 3 shows the user adding a new alert source to the application.
The user might be an internal user who was notified by an alert from a running system.
Consider the confusion for a user if the Back button suddenly triggered mysterious alert prompts or sent him to a new Web site.
These methods will display an alert dialog describing the error, in the hope that some helpful user will send a problem description to the code's author.
If an incorrect value is entered, the label will become red to alert the user of a validation error.
Show when a user is typing: Alert the server when a user has started to type, so that other participants can see that a reply is pending.
You might use region monitoring to alert the user to approaching landmarks or to provide other relevant information.
Publicity is often key, to alert your user community to a new web site or tool.
When user clicks the add button, the data is sent through to the Alert config component and added to the configuration.
当用户单击add按钮时,会通过Alert Config组件发送数据并添加到配置中。
For example, an alert message can be displayed after ten minutes of user inactivity as shown in Listing 28.
Finally, Dynamic Alerts empower the business user to specify when, whom, and how to alert when situations occur.
最后,Dynamic Alerts可使业务用户在发生情况时指定警报的时间、人员和方式。
This article has described a simple program that USES the Optim Performance Manager user exit to carry out custom alert processing when a monitored threshold is exceeded or when a deadlock occurs.
本文介绍了一个简单的程序,它在一个受监控的阈值被超过或一个死锁发生时使用Optim Performance Manager用户出口来执行自定义警报处理。
An Alert ACTS as a screen to provide information to the user about an exceptional condition or error.
Typically, code like this doesn't display a window, but can use the NotificationManager class to alert the user that something needs attention.
On submission all the errors are listed in a single message or alert box and the user is returned to the first incorrect field using the fields focus method to correct the errors.
On submission all the errors are listed in a single message or alert box, and the user is returned to the first incorrect field using the fields focus method to correct the errors.
Although broadcast receivers don't display a user interface, they may create a status bar notification to alert the user when a broadcast event occurs.
尽管broadcast receivers并不显示用户界面,它们可能创建一个状态栏通知来告知用户广播何时发生。
As an evil user, suppose I submit the following text as a forum post: alert (" EXPLETIVES! ").
那么假定我是一个恶意用户,通过在论坛中发帖提交了以下文本:alert (“ EXPLETIVES ! ”)。
Once started, it will alert the user to unhandled application and data-binding exceptions via a floating window.
The Terma ATIS Plus generates high quality voice broadcasts from METAR data, and generates an error alert if values fall outside user-defined limits or if data do not comply with WMO standards.
Periodic alert processing or threshold alerts - user-defined alerts that are based on thresholds that you define for many of the operating system and DB2 counters, metrics, and ratios.
Here you can alert the user to the fact that an update error has occurred.
The story is customized to the user, keeping track of what they have already seen so that it can alert them when new content is available.
When a feed reader accesses an Atom feed or entry that has expired, it should alert the user in some way.
当feed阅读器访问一个已经过期的Atom feed或条目时,它会以某种方式向用户发出警告。
The main program is nothing more than a loop to get the current stock price, check to see if it's in band, and, if not, send an E-mail alert to the user.
主程序只是一个循环,用来获得股票的当前价格,检查价格是否在所限定的范围内,如果不在就发送e - mail警告来提醒用户。