In Wing Chun there is a set form for mook jong training.
Constant training on the mook jong patterns so that there is no wasted motion.
Very few Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do instructors actually know how to use the mook jong!
To get the most out of mook jong training the practitioner needs an active imagination.
I am just going to explain how the Jun Fan Jeet Do practitioner trains with the mook jong!
One of the main USES of the mook jong in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do is to train trapping hand techniques.
Although the approach to training on the mook jong is different, it is still an extremely effective training aid for both arts!
If you can imagine all of these things then you are well on your way to understanding the effectiveness of the mook jong for Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do training.
The selected members of Team PB were thus given the opportunity to grace the covers of both competing magazines as well as a special photo mook commemorating the event.
最后的结果是Team PB获胜,这使她们能有机会同时登上两本杂志的封面并且能推出一本特别版写真杂志书以纪念这个活动。
In this issue, I have chosen to discuss the mook jong and how both Wing Chun Gung Fu and Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do practitioners make it an important part of their daily training.
Since most of you readers are probably Wing Chun practitioners, and Iam not a Wing Chun expert, I will assume that you already know the Wing Chun approach to training on the mook jong.