Moreover, additional angular momenta are added to the off-axis propagating solitons.
We find that the downward cusp of the ground state energy only occurs for several angular momenta.
From the energies and momenta of the two jets, researchers can infer the mass of the particle that produced them.
Now, this is also 1 over m total times the total momentum, because I've all these momenta of these individual particles.
The use of the free undamped normal modes is seen to ensure that the linear and angular momenta of the distortional motion vanish.
In this paper, by using potential method we discuss the energy spectrum of diquark on ground state and excited state with different angular momenta.
By introducing the rectangular wave packet, we have obtained the mean expectation values of the coordinates, momenta, and the square of these operators.
More importantly, the generalized momenta based Lagrange's equations show unique advantages over the traditional Lagrange's equations in symplectic integrations.
By measuring the scattered neutron intensity versus momenta and energy transfers, the structure and dynamical information of the biological macromolecules can be obtained.