The study argued, "There is no expectation that markets will return to their pre-crisis mode of operation soon."
This is no time to be too proud to ask for help - remember, we're in crisis mode here.
It argued: "There is no expectation that markets will return to their pre-crisis mode of operation soon, if ever."
Don also has a mental model for crisis situations that enabled him to determine that the group was "not in a crisis mode" (4).
In the current environment, with Banks in crisis mode and many credit markets all but shut down, the rate cut's likely impact is less clear.
Still, it is in crisis mode: more than 4, 800 schools have been closed in the region, medical services are swamped, and testing laboratories are working around the clock.
Some of this rally is down to sheer relief that the market is out of crisis mode (the cost of borrowing in the money markets is back to near-normal levels, for example).
In a time of crisis, companies typically revert to treating it as a cost, and they put it under the CFO and get into cost-containment mode. "3."
Right now, Mr. Bernanke is in crisis-management mode, trying to deal with the mess his predecessor left behind.
The crisis of modernity cannot be overcome until philosophy retreats from public life and retrieves its own meditative attributes by becoming a private mode of living.
The fourth chapter is the core content, expounding the financial crisis early-warning mode, the main frame, the meaning of economic variables and how to use it for the listed companies.
At last, we set up the process of implementation and strategy of knowledge management with the mode of triple loop learning which assure the supply of knowledge of enterprise crisis management.
The environmental problems with the ecosystem crisis, as a result of the western industrial civilization, were caused by mode of production pursued by unilateral increase in value of the capital.
Discussed the experience that Jiaozuo city solved the crisis of coal mine exhausting to realize changing city economic structural type successfully, built relative mathematic mode.
This text attempts to break through this kind of opposing thinking mode because the sudden emergence of the new media has caused the crisis of the language code and the decline of literature.
Present the countermeasure mode on the railway locomotive pre-warning management and analyze the evaluation and precaution methods controlling the crisis.
There is a kind of relation of "challenge-response" between public crisis and governance mode.