Nobly, unit sales of Flat-Panel TV Sales sharply raise 1.6 higher than the previous fiscal year[1].
For a country that increasingly likes the odd glass of foreign wine, it is odd that China has taken threatening action that could sharply raise the cost of that wine.
The measure would sharply limit credit card issuers' ability to raise interest rates on existing balances.
Even so, such rebates will raise the deficit sharply relative to how much they boost growth.
Both exports and imports fell sharply, leaving no net impact on GDP (lower imports raise the calculation of GDP, while lower exports reduce it).
Many analysts expect the country's central bank to raise interest rates sharply to limit inflation.
It will, perhaps, be said that this is not the time to raise an issue on which opinions clash sharply.
We are nervous about his incentive-destroying willingness to raise taxes sharply on the well-off, and of the cost implications of many of his policies.
This week both houses of Congress voted through a bill that would sharply curtail card issuers' ability to charge punitive fees and raise interest rates.