1 词典释义:
would-be nations
时间: 2025-02-26 17:54:44
英 [ˈwʊdbi 'neɪʃ(ə)ns]
美 [ˈwʊd ˌbi 'neɪʃ(ə)ns]


  • A United Nations spokeswoman in New York said the request would be considered.


  • Not very long ago, it was also unthinkable that a virus would shut down nations and that safety nets would be proven so disastrously lacking in flexibility.


  • India, he was convinced, would be "a curse for other nations, a menace to the world," once it became industrialized.


  • But if the laws were repealed tomorrow, most of the nations of the world would make no move to take advantage of the respite, and any that did would be in danger of finding their credit vanishing.


  • And then all the Gentiles, all the nations, would come to the God of Israel, they would be grafted into the nation of Israel, they would worship the God of Israel.


  • Only developed nations, including the US, would be expected to guarantee cuts.


  • Because America's markets already are far more open to imports than those of nations such as Colombia, the U.S. would be the biggest winner.


  • In that way it would be useful to make a contrast between Aristotle and someone like Adam Smith the great author of The Wealth of Nations.


  • Such a change in course by EM policy makers would be a very good thing for EM nations.


  • One of my predecessors, Henry Kissinger, understood its significance, and recognized that as our two great nations opened lines of communication, the rest of the world would be affected.

    我的前任之一亨利•基辛格(Henry Kissinger)深知其重大意义,并认识到,我们两个伟大国家打开沟通渠道,将对全世界产生影响。

  • There are a few Quake Catchers in the Central Asian nations Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan -- places where "it would be pretty difficult to install a [traditional] seismometer."

    中亚国家(Central Asian nation)吉尔吉斯斯坦(Kyrgyzstan)和塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan)也有一些地震捕手——这些地方“很难安装传统的地震检波器。”

  • To be sure, that's not to say member nations were necessarily happy about it, but at this point intervention would only have limited results. (See "G7 Abandons The Dollar.")


  • It would be best if the United Nations Security Council imposed sanctions, but that takes too long.


  • True, inside the eurozone, powerful ant nations may be able to put the countries in trouble under central control, though even that would only be possible with smaller countries.


  • This single step would be huge for most poor countries, and make very little difference to developed nations.


  • Citizens of other European nations would see the chaos; they might figure that their savings would be safer in German, rather than Portuguese (or Italian) Banks.


  • Then they said that banks would not need recapitalising because sovereign nations would never default. They now seem to be facing reality on this score.


  • Independent nations would embark on a technological "survival-race" to see how many citizens could be launched off the planet.


  • It is a message that other nations, both inside and outside the eurozone, would be wise to listen to if they want to avoid a downgrade in the near future.


  • That is a bigger adjustment than would be required of any other country, even allowing for the fact that the IMF set other nations a target debt-to-GDP ratio of 60%.


  • As wealth and power have shifted to the emerging markets, those nations now have the money and confidence to call their own shots - and their calls tend to be quite different from those we would make.


  • The 27-nation bloc wants a deal by 2015 for all nations that would be implemented by 2020 at the latest.


  • One way to catch up would be to knit together textile and garment producers in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to create a regional supply chain.


  • I replied that I hoped that someday our nations would be reconciled.


  • A new report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says one of the best ways would be to remove the barriers women farmers face that male farmers do not.


  • If the medical authorities are correct, one-third of the British population may be affected this winter (other nations would presumably be similarly hit).


  • These would be under the control of the united nations as trustees .
