1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-11-22 11:14:58

v. 打开取出东西;解释;从拿出东西;分析;分式拆开;解包;还原;(unpack的第三人称单数)

  • In a friendly, often humorous style, he unpacks each one.


  • Therefore, what the client packages, the server unpacks and vice versa.


  • The client unpacks the return value and out parameters, then continues processing.


  • The children unpacks food and drinks, piling catered delicacy over a stone tablecloth.


  • When packed program runs, it reads the dictionary and unpacks code into ram in one pass.


  • All that an object has to supply is the code that actually packs and unpacks the parameters.


  • VIDEO The team unpacks the reactor parts sent from Florida and begins assembling the machine.


  • The message is received by the receiver bean that unpacks its content and invokes a method on the Business EJB.

    接收方bean接收到消息,将其内容解包并调用Business EJB上的方法。

  • This second receiver bean receives the response, unpacks its content, and then invokes the EJB for processing responses.


  • A Surveyor unpacks an expansion base at its deployment location and allows additional structures to be constructed around it.


  • When fully folded, it would behave like a cellphone; as it unpacks, it could fit alternate roles depending on the position of each individual screen.

    比如当设备被 折叠成单屏显示状态时,可以作为手机使用 ;而 各个屏幕处在展开状态时,则可以依据各个屏幕的相对位置实现不同的应用功能。

  • It unpacks the original Firefox setup, lets you add your own extensions, themes, preferences and then repacks to give you a silent installation package.


  • When dropped into the load directory while an instance of Aries is running, Aries unpacks the.eba file and loads and starts the bundles inside the.eba file.

    当. eba文件在一个Aries实例运行时被放置到加载文件夹中时,Aries将解压这个. eba文件并启动文件中的捆绑包。

  • The RAS import capability in Rational Software Architect unpacks and restores the files in the RAS asset to a local file or folder or to the Eclipse workspace.

    Rational Soft ware Architect中的RAS导入功能解包并还原RAS资产中的文件到本地文件或文件夹,或者到Eclipse工作区中。

  • At the server side, the transport protocol delivers the message to the server stub, which then unpacks the request message and calls the actual function on the object.


  • The server simply unpacks the parameters of the request, performs the operation, packages up the return value and out parameters, and sends the response back to the client.


  • In his talk, "how to Sell BDD to the Business", Dan produces, then unpacks, this definition of BDD, showing how it applies to many different phases and scales of software development.

    在他的发言“如何向企业推销BDD”中,Dan提出了这个问题,然后解开了BDD的定义,展示了如何在软件开发的不同阶段和范围内应用BDD ?

  • In the other process, another special object (called a stub object) receives this buffer, unpacks the parameters again, and calls the function that the caller meant to call in the first place.
