Most of the people live well below the poverty level.
In fact, real benefit levels were lower in the 1970s than they were in the 1940s, and in most states the maximum benefit was below the poverty level for a family of four.
Previously, a sponsor needed only an income at poverty level.
Previously, a sponsor needed only an income at poverty level.
Only those with incomes of 130% of the poverty level or less are eligible for them.
Even though Edith lives at the poverty level, she puts money into a savings account every month.
The official poverty level in the US now is $22025 for a family of 4 and $10991 for unrelated individuals.
This essay suggests that the Enlarged Linear Expenditure System (ELES) can be used to measure the relative poverty level.
Food stamps, they argue, are far from lavish. Only those with incomes of 130% of the poverty level or less are eligible for them.
Families who subsist on food stamps and live at or below the poverty level can't afford supplements, and there are many such families.
Federal subsidies would be provided to help people with incomes of up to 400 percent of the poverty level purchase coverage on the exchange.
About 20.5 million Americans, or 6.7 percent of the US population, make up the poorest poor, defined as those at 50 percent or less of the official poverty level.
In a country where many live at or below the poverty level, food costs are obviously a major concern, and they jumped 11.7 percent in May from a year earlier.
More than 30% of the valley's population still falls beneath America's official poverty level, according to Sister Maria Sanchez of valley Interfaith, a local charity.
People living below the poverty level, who can't afford even the cheapest mobile phones, and RIchie Riches, who have two or three phones stashed in their briefcases.
There will be subsidies for those who earn less than two-and-a-half times the federal poverty level, or $42,925 for a family of three, and tax credits for the more affluent.
对收入不到联邦贫困线2.5倍的家庭,或收入低于42925美元的三口之家将给予补助,对较为富裕的家庭将提供免税额度(Tax Credits)。
Relative poverty is generally considered to be a household income level which is below a given proportion of average family income.
Relative poverty is generally considered to be a household income level, which is below a given proportion of average family income.
People living in moderate poverty have the resources to keep themselves alive, but only at a very basic level.
Only 14% of food-stamp households have incomes above the poverty line; 41% have incomes of half that level or less, and 18% have no income at all.
The number of people living in poverty has climbed to 14.3 percent of Americans, with the ranks of working-age poor reaching the highest level since at least 1965.
At household level, sufficient evidence is emerging to prove that CVDs and other noncommunicable diseases contribute to poverty.
The goal to halve poverty by 2015 will likely be met at the global level, but not in Sub-Saharan Africa unless progress there can be accelerated quickly.
The problem is that once people get past the level of poverty, money does not play a significant role in day-to-day happiness.
In 1992, it accounted for 33% of the poverty line for able-bodied persons and by 1995 it had decreased to 14% of that level.
Progress at the country level is even more uneven: Only 45 of 87 countries with data have already achieved or are on track to achieve the poverty target.
This month, it was reported that 15.1 percent of Americans live below the poverty line last year, the high level since 1993.
Laura, then 62, was teaching at poverty-level wages.