That helped Facebook account for roughly a quarter of online page views in November, significantly outpacing Google, Hitwise said.
The breadth of information goes beyond just competitive rate shopping to include online page placement, future share of demand, and user generated comments to name a few.
In 1993, few corporations had a web page, and only a handful allowed one to order products or services online.
Most online users have a search engine page as their homepages.
If, however, table space backup is selected, you have to select table Spaces that you desire to do online backup on the next page.
The pattern user interface opens the online Help, displaying the overview page for the pattern with the pattern topic selected in the table of contents pane.
But the web itself is built using commonly agreed-upon standards that allow any Internet browser to make sense of any page published online.
Another approach would have been to link to an online book reseller or the publisher's page.
But the page featured nothing but CCTV programming and online comment scathingly critical of Baidu.
Those classifications were noted in the online commitment page and were later used when creating test execution records for each of those commitments.
Google plans to package songs from online music providers at the top of its search page, said people familiar with the matter.
Two-thirds of active Internet users have managed an online profile and 71.1% have visited a friend's social network page.
Figure 3 shows how the page looks after I added a few test entries while online.
图 3 显示在联机时添加一些测试条目后页面如何呈现。
The issue is most acute for newspapers because a front page (either paper or online) is designed to take readers unawares and attract the curiosity of passing trade.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with consumer E-mail, web search or financial news, with online advertising or page views-in short, with Yahoo!.
This page will be updated with our online reporting from the summits.
If you want to gain a big success online, to search and use the right web page hosting service is a necessity indeed.
Browse for an online Web page for which to save a local copy.
Django has been around longer and originally came from an online newspaper that serves millions of page views per day.
Showing who’s online through the page: Awareness.js
通过 Awareness.js 页面来展示哪些人在线
Browse for an online Web page.
Without input validation rules, it is easy for the hacker to manipulate a query string so he can shut down the online collaboration Web page.
没有输入确认规则,黑客就很容易操作一条查询字符串,于是能关闭在线协作 Web 页面。
At the page restore Option, you can restore the table Spaces online.
在Restore Option页面上,您可以联机恢复表空间。
A Wikipedia web page, was reported through the IWF's online reporting mechanism in December 2008.
The landing page for Pixlr, an online graphic editing app, has a link titled “Jump in n’ get started!”
Pixlr是一个在线图片编辑应用,这是Pixlr的到达页面,上面有一个链接名为“Jump in n' get Started!”
At this page, both online and offline backup maintenance Windows can be set.
The second way to use the system is via a web page such as one in an online store.
The Internet accentuates this: a ticket that costs only a few dollars more may not show up on the first page of an online search.