The Competition Commission is now to investigate whether the British Airports Authority needs to sell off some of its assets.
The Competition Commission recently commented that the bus market needs more competition.
Britain's Competition Commission has rightly undone the dominant position that BAA, the country's main airport operator, inherited when it was privatised.
A study by the OECD and Mexico's Federal Competition Commission (CFC) found that 31% of Mexican household spending went on products supplied in monopolistic or highly oligopolistic markets.
Flagship competition: in 2010 the Commission invited Europe's scientists to identify challenges and propose projects.
In theory, the European Commission is encouraging similar competition with its new payment-services directive (PSD), due to come into force in 2009.
Just as America's Federal Trade Commission is now doing, the EU's competition authorities will look closely at Google's planned takeover of DoubleClick, another leader in online advertising.
The commission worries that a union between Oracle and Sun would reduce competition in the market for corporate databases.
The European commission said last night that it would oppose the creation of any organisation that could restrict competition.
The European Commission gave BA and Iberia the green light to proceed with a merger, ruling that the deal would not infringe competition rules.
"Microsoft is the first company in 50 years of EU competition policy that the commission has had to fine for failure to comply with an anti-trust decision," she said.
In both cases the commission proposed new rules without the sort of impact assessment it promised when it set itself up as a champion of competition and destroyer of red tape.
In addition, the agreements limited competition and spared Telemedia from the supervision of the Public Utilities Commission.
"We are probably seeing the impact of the agreement between European Commission competition authorities and Microsoft, to offer EU users a choice and menu of browsers from March last, " says Cullen.
The firm argues that this would be tantamount to giving away the shop, but the commission thinks it would promote competition by advancing open-source rivals to Microsoft's products.
This time the commission is claiming that the merger of Oracle and Sun will significantly reduce competition in the database business, resulting in higher prices.
Drawing by an 8-year old Sri Lankan girl as part of the annual European Commission competition to promote gender equality.
On Thursday, a government-sanctioned commission plans to submit a special report called "Competition in Times of the Energy Transition."
With the increasing specification of security market, unstable system of commission make the competition of brokerage more fierce, it is more important to improve customer service.
The European Commission regards CSR as an aspect of the European social model and a means of defending solidarity, cohesion and equal opportunities against a backdrop of increasing global competition.
In fact, the judgement of this case made by the competitive commission has reflected many problems in Vietnam "Competition Law".
Competition between brokerage commission from the previous simple war, and gradually transformed into the it, financial services war.
The commission charge of cross-bank drawing cash of commercial bank is a focus problem of our payment card industry, and is also an important competition tool of commercial Banks.
When there was price competition, both insurance price and bank commission went up, but the total bancassurance cooperation efficiency would be improved.
So he got, I think, the commission by sheer competition and by being brilliant.
But the powerful Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Thursday ordered CCSP to correct its claims.
The relationship of price competition and scale competition is that a larger broker sets a higher commission rate, and a smaller scale sets lower;