If that doesn't work, I would openly discuss the situation with her.
Indeed, many people do not even openly discuss the fact that they are hard of hearing.
Guys will never openly discuss this with friends or co-workers, for fear of getting laughed out of town.
Fear of contagion, lack of knowledge that TB can be cured and the failure of communities to discuss the disease openly all play a role in fuelling this fear.
Openly link and discuss competitors.
In Africa, it is the killer disease that many will not discuss openly.
While it can be awkward and uncomfortable to discuss openly, someone has to take the first step.
According to Abbott "versions of such partnerships are happening now in print and broadcast newsrooms across the country though many are reluctant to discuss them too openly."
According to Abbott, "versions of such partnerships are happening now in print and broadcast newsrooms across the country, though many are reluctant to discuss them too openly."
It would make it easier for emerging and rich countries to discuss policy more openly and frankly than they can now.
Counsel: Openly and frankly discuss the problems with your employees and agree on plans to correct them.
First tof all, it is important that family members discuss openly about their pleasures or sadness in childhood in family gatherings.
I'm really not sure about this. Maybe we should discuss it openly with all the people in our office.
This is not a matter that can be slid over, let us discuss it openly.
Thee surest way to find out what a woman needs and wants is to openly talk to her about the subject. Partners are supposed to discuss such things.
了解女人的需求和想法最有效的方法是和她敞开谈论这个话题。夫妻也应该谈论这个事情。 。
People were openly friendly and eager to discuss any aspect of their lives in their beloved Motherland.