1 词典释义:
web library
时间: 2025-03-04 16:55:29
英 [wɛb ˈlʌɪbrəri]
美 [wɛb ˈlaɪˌbrɛri]


  • Select Web Library Projects and press the Add button on the right of the right of the Properties dialog (Figure 13).

    选择Web Library Projects并在属性对话框的右边点击add按钮(图13)。

  • I would also have liked to read more about designing software intended for use by many different third-party programmers — for instance, a Shared library, Web service, or platform API.


  • America's Library of Congress enjoys a specific mandate, and budget, to save the web.


  • It's really easy and there are a ton of resources on the web and at your local library.


  • Extension.fm: Turns the web into a music library.


  • We have also demonstrated that the majority of the attacks can be eliminated when a Web site uses a simple custom tag library to properly encode the dynamic content.


  • WEB-INF includes the library folder containing the ZK JAR files required for running the application.

    WEB - INF包含含有运行应用程序所需的ZK JAR文件的库文件夹。

  • Meanwhile delivering all library services seamlessly as part of our users’ web experience should be our next goal.


  • The final part of the next article will wrap up the demo Web mail application and our jQuery lessons, hopefully convincing you that you should add this library to your own Web applications.


  • Another interesting thing you might try when testing your Web service is the PHP nuSOAP library.

    测试Web服务时,您可以尝试的另一个有趣的事情是PHP nusoap库。

  • Our entire application is contained within a single Web page, while all the functionality (get_table , get_image , etc.) can be included in a separate library file inaccessible from the Web.

    整个应用程序都包含在一个页面中,还可以把其余功能(get _ table 、get _ image等)放在不能从Web访问的单独的库文件中。

  • Now you will create a JSF Web project to see how the new component library integrates with the JSF tools.

    现在您已经创建了一个 JSF Web 项目,以查看这些新组件库是怎样与 JSF 工具集成到一起的。

  • This growing library of Web-service components enables you to quickly and easily integrate content from more than a dozen popular Web sites into any PHP application.


  • Note that you can hide the use of a proxy server in the implementation of the Ajax library used by the Web application developer.


  • Enter the library in a Web browser.


  • The Web messaging service library is used to incorporate the publish/subscribe feature in the application.

    Web 消息传递服务库用于合并应用程序中的发布/订阅特性。

  • Document library customization using REST and Web services feeds

    使用 REST 和 Web 服务提要的文档库定制

  • In Part 1, you learned about the Prototype library to build a Web application for managing songs.


  • When the capture is finished, check the Web pages tabbed page of your content library for the new pages.

    在捕捉结束后,查看内容库针对这些新页面的Web Pages选项卡页面。

  • In other words, you already have almost every library you'd ever need to develop Web applications using Shale.


  • Along with JAX-RS, you are also using a helper utility library provided with the Web 2.0 feature pack called JSON4J.

    除了JAX - RS,您也可以使用一个Web 2.0功能部件包提供的帮助程序实用工具库json4j。

  • To assist in publishing to Web messaging clients, a publishing API is provided in the Web messaging application utility library.


  • Part 3 focused on using the FMT library to localize Web content.


  • Because this is the first time that you are using the new library in this Web project, the JAR file containing your custom component needs to be copied into the project.


  • The Cloudscape library can only be accessed by the Web application under development.


  • I ran a quick search on the Web, only to find there was no library out there that did what I really needed.


  • This error often occurs when your Web service USES functions from a script library, and the library has been updated more recently than the Web service.


  • The Web Viewer now contains a tag library that can be used to customize the behavior of the Viewer.

    现在We b查看器包含了一个标签库,该标签库可被用来定制查看器的行为。

  • WEB-INF: This includes the library folder containing the files like Quercus jar for running the application.

    WEB - INF:包含库文件夹,库文件夹又包含运行应用程序的Quercus jar等文件。