1 词典释义:
garbage collectors
时间: 2025-01-11 11:23:08


  • To begin tracing through live objects, garbage collectors start from a set of initial objects obtained from roots.


  • Verve USES verified garbage collectors that are stop-the-world and keeps interrupts disabled throughout the collection.


  • Garbage collectors that group objects that are accessed at the same time together have a positive effect on application performance.


  • El-Rab says the people here are the poorest in Cairo. "We are the garbage collectors, " he says, "but we live on a mountain of faith. "


  • In the Mediterranean port city of Marseille, strikes by garbage collectors have led to small hills of rubbish rotting on the sidewalks.


  • One has to be careful about doing this however, as it can create a circular reference that will interfere with both the Lisp and.net garbage collectors.


  • On the other hand, traditional garbage collectors can introduce long delays at times that are virtually impossible for the application programmer to predict.


  • When an eerie cry like the sound of a madman's laughter echoes through the African night, it means that the "garbage collectors" of the animal kingdom are at work.


  • The region's garbage collectors stopped their rounds on December 21st, because the dumps in and around Naples were full, and an incinerator that should have been ready was not.


  • Clutter is the ponderous euphemism that turns a slum into a depressed socioeconomic area, garbage collectors into waste disposal personnel and the town dump into the volume reduction unit.

    繁琐,就是指冗长委婉的说法。 例如,把贫民窟,说成经济落后地区; 把收垃圾的,说成废物处理人员; 把垃圾倾倒处,说成废物分解中心。

  • These new collectors address the problem of the garbage collector being a scalability bottleneck on multiprocessor systems.


  • In addition to the copying and mark-compact collectors used by default, the 1.4.1 JDK also contains four other garbage collection algorithms, each of which is suited to a different purpose.

    除了默认情况下使用的复制收集器和标记-整理收集器,JD K 1.4.1还包含其他四种垃圾收集算法,每一种适用于不同的目的。

  • Whilst most real-time collectors work at the highly granular level of individual objects, Garbage First collects at the region level.

    大多数实时收集器工作在单个对象层次上,而 Garbage First则在区域层次上进行收集。