Offshore platforms may also lose oil, creating oil slicks that drift ashore and foul the beaches, harming the environment.
The oil slicks are the ocean is spreading.
The smooth surfaces of oil slicks act like mirrors, reflecting sunlight to create the bright swirls.
If a small amount of oil slicks and precipitation, is a natural phenomenon, there is no quality problems.
An oiled brown pelican tries to take flight from Barataria Bay while oil slicks float past June 6, 2010 near Grand Isle, Louisiana.
Under unique viewing conditions, oil slicks can become visible in photo-like images, but usually, radar imagery is needed to clearly see a spill from space.
With their other European partners they plan to unleash a swarm of autonomous oil-cleaning robots on oil slicks that are able to work together as a team to deal with the spill.
This cleaning method is very inefficient, but also in the pipeline vulnerable to salvage the process of secondary pollution of surface oil slicks, cleaning result is not satisfactory;
Oil slicks are notoriously difficult to spot in natural-color (photo-like) satellite imagery because a thin sheen of oil only slightly darkens the already dark blue background of the ocean.
He slicks his hair down with oil every day.