1 词典释义:
on your mark
时间: 2025-03-04 23:28:04
英 [ɒn jɔː mɑːk]
美 [ɑn jɔr mɑrk]


  • There's a mark on your skirt.


  • There is nothing to mark what's out of entity on your piece of paper.


  • There is nothing to mark what's out of entity on your piece of paper?


  • Don't mark on your clothes with markers.


  • Alternatively, you may lick your finger and make a cross on the toe of your shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the mark has dried.


  • The ability to mark code elements with attributes declares your intent that something external operates on the code that follows.


  • Put that date in your calendar or mark it on your to-do list as the deadline for your current project.


  • No matter what your opinion is - one thing is for sure. Harry Potter will always leave a mark on us.


  • Use your index finger to mark where you are on the page at all times.


  • If you'd like to spend a romantic summer night making wishes on falling stars, mark the second week in August on your calendar.


  • The reason why a great conductor makes notations on his musical scores-marks them up again and again each time he returns to study them-is the reason why you should mark your books.


  • Set a date in the future — a week or two, or even a month — and make that your Start Date. Mark it on the calendar.


  • If you use the preorder menu that hangs on your door all night, don’t mark a first name or the number of people in the room — this reveals to anyone passing your room that you’re alone.


  • Just think of that day as a dividing line between the smoking you and the new and improved nonsmoker you'll become. Mark it on your calendar.


  • A tattoo is a permanent mark or design made on your skin with pigments inserted through pricks into the skin's top layer.


  • The quotation mark that is produced when you type "on your computer is not a true quotation mark (unless your word processing or page layout program has automatic formatting)."


  • You should mark your name or other personal identification on the inside and outside of the Checked Baggage.


  • Please leave your mark on the rail of my life.


  • Can you mark your house on the map?


  • Mark: Most of your existing software will work on the new system.


  • Judge Turpin: your meaning is immaterial. Mark me! If I see your face again on this street, you'll rue the day you were born.


  • Marking successes on your calendar so that you get a string of Xs (e.g. mark each day that you go for a 20-minute walk).


  • Have a look at the post mark on the front of the envelope, this may give you a clue to the area your admirer is from.


  • Check out Mark Pilgrim's excellent rundown on how to add offline support to your apps if you want to start using this feature.

    如果你对HTML5的离线存储功能感兴趣,可以看一看Mark Pilgrim的how to add offline support to your apps一文。

  • I'll mark it on your map.


  • So whether it's starting a business, or running for office, or raising an amazing family, remember that making your mark on the world is hard.

    因此,无论是创办一家企业、 竞选公职、还是抚养一个美好的家庭,请记住:要在这个世界上留下你的影响不是一件轻而易举的事情。

  • And Five: on every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write.


  • Yearss engraving being the mark on your forehead, curling up silver inclusions in had black hair.


  • And Five:On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition is, you must continue to write.
