Let's eat aut tonight.
All the teachers from AUT have tried their best to help me.
For example, perhaps your AUT includes a dialog that involves a button labeled Open.
The underlying causes for all these lie in the cultural and historical background in which the aut.
Services to explore the decision tables and to compare alternatives with verifications performed on the aut.
Please note that the AUT Agent is currently not part of the Eclipse Indigo package and requires a separate download.
请注意,AUT Agent目前并不是Eclipse Indigo包的一部分,需要单独下载。
The religion belief of Saman embodies in the Red Mansion, and is artistically elevated and transformed by the aut…
When a decision point is reached in the testing process, the tester examines the state of the AUT and determines a test action.
The identification of the decision points in the AUT helps formalize and elaborate the test suite decomposition into test scripts.
New Zealand universities include Auckland University of Technology (AUT), University of Waikato, and the Manukau Institute of Technology(MIT).
When the behavior of the AUT changes, the result provided by each decision script changes, and consequently the testing path across the AUT changes.
Before disposition, the acknowledgement made to the purchaser is characteristic of a single act, while the acknowledgement to the seller is an aut...
Equivalence partitioning of input data is required to identify the sets of input data that provide an equivalent behavior of the AUT (application under test).
This paper discusses the structure of comprehensive performance testing system for automatic gearbox, which can test comprehensive indexes of automatic gearbox aut...
In order to inhibit this alienation and degeneration of authority at essence, we must build the monitor and control mechanism, conserve the social public entity of aut...
If the application under test (AUT) is a short-term project (single release) or its GUI changes are limited across releases, then it may be appropriate to use record-playback.
This example of using the find method in testing the application based on Eclipse was limited to only a part of the AUT as a way to work out the design of the object getter methods.
Therefore, the aut hor makes a comprehensive study of employer's, contractor's and supervision engineer's measures to prevent claims in construction contract for construction project.
The decision script compares the result of the verifications performed on the AUT with the condition entries in order to identify the test action to perform (i.e., the next test script to run).
AUT has the characters of high efficiency and low costs of testing, which can meet the requirement of time limitation and quality control of welding seam in constructing submarine pipeline.
When a data-driven table is linked to the test suite, it is possible to specify several combinations of data records to input to the test scripts and to dynamically change the behavior of the AUT.