1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-24 05:38:43
英 [ˈbækwəd ˈlʊkɪŋ]
美 [ˈbækwərd ˈlʊkɪŋ]

adj. 向后看的;守旧的;怀旧的;落后的;反动的

  • To all the backward-looking critics, none of this matters.


  • In addition, statistics collection systems are backward-looking.


  • Accounting rules now encourage a backward-looking, quantitative approach.


  • Because they are backward-looking, they only deal with spam that has already been sent.


  • Suppose we want a stream of positive random Numbers less than one that obey a backward-looking constraint.


  • By the time feedback filters down to front-line managers, it's often too backward-looking to be useful.


  • It is clearly backward-looking as well as forward-looking-and in its worst forms it is a licence for fraudsters.


  • Mr Biver developed a new, backward-looking slogan for the firm: “Since 1735 there has never been a quartz Blancpain watch.


  • Nor is it all backward-looking nostalgia: modern ICONS jostle with ancient attractions, and the writing is heavily salted with popular culture.


  • American conservatism, before he began to shake it up, was dour, backward-looking, anti-intellectual and isolationist, especially when viewed from the east coast.


  • The utopian narratives of the writers of late Qing Dynasty often belongs to the kind of backward-looking Utopia because they show their cares too much to the past.


  • There are about two dozen backward-looking analyses of patient data suggesting keto works, and, more significant, two randomized, controlled studies published in 2008.


  • Backward-looking, the thoughts on leisure-education has long historical development. Understanding the history of leisure education can make us better inquire into the leisure education.


  • I trail with perfectly placed backward steps, looking at the world after Hattie has passed it, which makes it a little friendlier somehow.


  • In that sense, Internet use is like a periscope: When users age 50-plus put theirs up, researchers have found, they're looking both backward and forward, toward the past and the future.


  • The agencies, looking backward at the accumulated data, continued to give their top rating to securities that were piling up risk as each week went by and the real estate markets started to wobble.


  • Replaying those stories is the same as reliving them. It's impossible to move forward when you're always looking backward.


  • If you take a job that's less than your previous one, you'll need to be able to explain this apparent step backward the next time you're looking.


  • You can't discuss climate change, Prof. Laughlin says, without looking backward across geologic time.


  • But I am less interested in looking backward than I am in looking forwards.


  • The downside is that the KTBR is backward looking, and it’s only the leftover portion that can be applied to grow the business.


  • After looking at the photos, they were asked to count backward from 8, 211 by 7s, then look at another picture of a person they knew but were not in love with, then count backward again.


  • The sort call in Listing 16 requires a JSON document looking like {value:-1}, which means I want things sorted backward, with the maximum value on top.

    清单 16 中的 sort 调用需要一个看上去像 {value:-1} 的 JSON 文档,这意味着我希望按降序排列,即最大值位于顶端。

  • But in using its backward looking model to predict the future, Zillow's is amplifying the problems with its methodology.


  • It was backward looking when we need to be forward looking.


  • Identifying semantic errors can be tricky because it requires you to work backward by looking at the output of the program and trying to figure out what it is doing.


  • Looking backward, I'm really deeply hurted these days.


  • The trick is that two of the three slits are blocked by obstructions that can only be seen by looking in a mirror that reflects a backward view of what's inside the box.


  • Life can be understood only be looking backward, but lived only by looking forward.


adj. 保守的;退缩的;回顾过去的