A fearful public has a tendency to gravitate towards gold.
Nowadays, we tend to gravitate towards more natural looking solutions.
Both beginners and experts tend over time to gravitate towards intermediacy.
Health systems will not automatically gravitate towards greater fairness and efficiency.
I, therefore, gravitate towards images with great texture and that have more of a human touch.
Revenue from credit derivatives will fall as they gravitate towards exchanges, eroding spreads for dealers.
Others naturally gravitate towards them to sound out ideas; this may be formalized into mentoring or coaching roles.
We don't like change and we will always gravitate towards what is familiar because familiarity keeps us feeling safe.
Health systems will not automatically gravitate towards greater equity or naturally evolve towards universal coverage.
I mean, as in society, within our profession entrepreneurship, we tend to the gravitate towards stories of the big fish that's caught.
Organizational transformation will gravitate towards a top-down hierarchy of policy, education, and empowerment across the entire organization.
Gays who have children—and a quarter of gay couples do—gravitate towards them for the same reasons that straight parents do: better schools, bigger gardens, peace and quiet.
Leadership: Existing health systems will not naturally gravitate towards more fair, efficient (those that work better) and effective (those that achieve their goals) models.
Afterwards, Hurlbert and colleagues plotted the results along the color spectrum and found that while men prefer blue, women gravitate towards the pinker end of the blue spectrum.
Naturally, as a matter of a genuine desire to have a single place to meet with all acquaintances online easily, users will gravitate towards one service according to societal and peer pressures.
What drives me is a hard problem that hasn't been solved, that has a really interesting and impactful solution. And for me it doesn't even matter what the problem is. I just gravitate towards it.
So many women I talk to tell me that they gravitate towards careers and professions that they know they're going to be great in, that they know they're going to be perfect in, and it's no wonder why.