1 词典释义:
consider as
时间: 2025-02-17 01:21:59
英 [kənˈsɪdə az]
美 [kənˈsɪdər æz]

vphr. 视为;看成;认为;认为是;把…看作;把…考虑进去

  • At first I also consider as such.


  • I consider as very few.


  • The texture of the beer is important to consider as well.


  • French politicians consider as given a strong role for the state.


  • I will see, hear, read and learn what my superiors will consider as fit for me.


  • In this paper, we have outlined many of the issues you must consider as part of your migration effort.


  • Expand your unlimited thinking to what you consider as yourself, your personality and individuality.


  • This makes Mexico a remarkable case study in what some consider as the best form of forest management.


  • That probably depends on the person, but smaller networks are probably an important option to consider as well.


  • France is consider as one of the most visited place in the world and the cultural and places really worthy to visit.


  • We have many distinguished journalists here, whom I consider as my peers because I used to write for campus newspaper.


  • This article gives you some new viewpoints to consider as you work with enterprise architecture design and implementation.


  • They can provide a different perspective and bring up points to consider as part of your decision that might not occur to you.

    他们可以从不同的角度,提出需要考虑的要点,帮你做出决策。 这些意见可能是你自己想不到的。

  • This series explores criteria to consider as you create RFPs for new technology purchases and evaluate alternative vendor solutions.


  • This section provides tools and techniques to consider as you apply business intelligence to your information architecture design.


  • This series explores criteria to consider as you create RFPs for new technology purchases and evaluate alternative vendors' solutions.


  • Other commenters provided advice on items that FRA should consider as they developed new rules or standards contemplated in the Strategy.


  • This article begins the series by giving you new viewpoints to consider as you work with enterprise architecture design and implementation.


  • This four-part series explores criteria to consider as you create RFPs for new technology purchases and evaluate alternative vendors' solutions.


  • “This is a growing market and one which fleet managers must consider as part of their wider strategy,” said Roz Cumming, Fleet Safety Forum manager.

    “信息系统的应用是一个很有潜力的市场,车队的管理者们应该把这当成他们战略的一部分”-Roz Cumming,车队安全联盟的管理人员。

  • As well as focusing the agency on what's important to you and your campaign, it serves as a checklist of all the important things to consider as part of your brief.


  • These two views on a BPM solution are very helpful to start with, but to get a more complete picture, there are several complementary aspects you should consider as well.


  • The thing we consider as “all possible colors” produced or emitted in our monitors, printers, other displays and digital imaging devices are what we call, or can be found, in an RGB color space.

    这些我们所认为的“所有的颜色”从我们的显示器,打印机和其他数码影像设备发出,并且它们都可以“RGB色彩空间(这 ..

  • The researchers report that those who were given the "clean" words or who washed themselves rated the ACTS they were asked to consider as ethically more acceptable than the control groups did.


  • As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability.


  • We use it every day and consider it as something important in our lives.


  • However, most young netizens consider this emoji as "Laugh to tears" or simply "LOL", which means "Laugh out loud".


  • As more states consider promulgating additional regulations, there is a need for greater accountability from within the business community.


  • If you have something to say and you think others will be interested as well, then consider making a podcast or videocast.

